Well This is life.
A lot of people wants to go to europe coz they think they will have a good life in there. but did you know that there are so many europeans who really love to work, stay and live a good life here in Dubai. Some of them work as a food server, bartender, salesman and the most are profesionals.
Here are some of the reasons why these people wants to works and live a good life in here.
Lot's of mix beautiful lady. lol
Tax free income
Limited crime
Mix nationalities
Opportunity to travel to some interesting close by destinations
Lot's of holiday
Kids playing with other kids from all over the world
Cheap house cleaning
Cheap cars
Cheap petrol
Cheap babysitting
No drunken yobs/youths lining the streets
Swim on the beach in 2 piece/trunks/thong
opportunity to learn about different cultures, languages and religions
Fast documents processing.
Disco, bars and restaurant selling alcohol.
24 hours establishments
Open City.
And you know what? There are some european who like Dubai because of the heat of Summer.